Friday, March 30, 2012

To all of the Picnik fans out there...

I know that you are sad that Picnik is going away, but never fear! There is a great open-source program that you can download for free on your computer that can do everything Picnik can do plus so much more. It's called gimp.I'll be honest, it's...different, but I do tutorials for Gimp and I would be happy to help everyone learn the program! I am going to talk about how you can transfer from Picnik to Gimp do a google hangout on google+. I will also be answering questions posted on my gimped tutorials Facebook wall. If you happen to be a Twitter user, I will also be answering any questions with the hash tag #pic2gimp.

I am doing this both for you and me. I want to learn what you guys did with Picnik so I can best-teach you with great video tutorials to make your transfer as truly painless as possible.This Google Hangout will go for a few hours on this Saturday, starting at 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. I'll host this until I'm tired of hosting, or until everyone leaves.I highly recommend that you circle me on Google+ so that you see the google plus post that I will be hanging out in. Post your Q&A facebook questions on my Gimped! Tutorials Facebook Page, or follow me on my Twitter page.


1 comment:

  1. I will be sad when picnik goes as its simple to use , however Gimp is a good softwear up against Photoshop , gimp is easier to use .


About Me

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I teach people how to use gimp with gimp video tutorials, as well as gimp text tutorials. I also work with Photographers by offering photo-editing services.